16 more days till Judgment day.
37 more days till All Hell Break Lose as millions of 17 year old youths thrash the street with their raging hormones.
I, one of them chose to do the same by doing something rebellious to the school.
I'm going to dye my hair brown.
And the next day, I will go back to school to say Hi to all my teachers.
Eager to see the look on their faces.
Expected expressions from my teachers
But that's not the point.
The main reason is, I felt a pain in my heart.
Not illness or diseases.
The pain is metaphorically real.
Did you not notice?
Whenever you walk around, can't you feel someone gazing from a distance corner.
So intense yet gentle.
It must had been superbly coincidental for us to bump into each other like 10 times in 2 hours?
I admit I went round just wanting to catch a glimpse of you.
When I see you, I forget everything else.
I've always played defense all this years of my life.
Playing defense, is a way of living.
Some play offense, some play defense.
Well defense is keeping a low profile.
From young, I kept hiding, watching from a crack on the wall hoping to remain invisible from your sight.
Well, kudos dear self, you succeeded in becoming nothing.
Your presence is not taken into account by many, including that person.
If dare not play offensively because i don't want to startle you.
I respect you and adore you.
But, it is of no use.
If only I know what you were thinking.
A saying goes, a penny for your thoughts?
My version,
The world if it pleases you, for your thoughts?
With this I say,
I will always cherish you from the bottom of my heart.
My dear, sweet, kind, lovely,loyal and undeniably caring companion.
My dear, C@r S3e Y0u.
Hope to take you out soon.