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Monday, May 26, 2008

sorrow, my best friend

i was told that if a girl asked you out ; ignore her

i ignored the advice instead
i went to school today for account class , before that i was playing basket ball with chi kar

so she Asked me out to mid valley...
i said yes..
so all semangat to go i kept playing basket ball with high hopes till she asked me to don't come...
OMG did i do something wrong?

so all thoughts of skipping accounts class faded...
i went in there and ....

after that rushed for a bus to mid valley...
finding her like mad...

walked the whole mid valley including gardens...
darn it both my legs got blisters already..

natural lar.. that's what you get for not wearing socks ...
couldnt care less bout socks...

so i went home depressed ...
she said good bye to me at the end... i was like she wasted my time in mid valley...
my feet hurt and i was depressed...

then it started to rain just as i want to go home
so i walked in the rain cursing my luck...

reached home and slept...


means good bye

live life with no regrets.. T.T

1 comment:

Yee said...

actually what was she angry with?
coz u keep on playing basketball?