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Monday, October 4, 2010

I Am Legal Now

Some how I feel depressed today. I seriously hate this day even though it's supposed to be a wonderful day.
If you don't get it, go read my profile and thou shall understand.

I see sincerity in some but still there are those who certainly lacked sincerity; to my utter disappointment. Perhaps today is the single day that I can get mad at people and get away with it.If you still don't get it, seriously, read my profile again; with spectacles or a magnifying glass.

I never liked this day of every year because some how, disappointment follows and grows as I grew older. I really appreciated Henry Tan's generosity; asking me to so many events but unfortunately I can't attend them all temporarily due to unfortunate circumstances. When I am clear of those troubles, you bet I will attend them all.

This Aunt  remembered and I totally appreciated her sincerity; so did Vince; by the way, you owe me booze as mentioned earlier through the phone. The most touching yet was an sms by my Singaporean friend/brother, Victor Lee.

Now that I am freaking legal, bring out the booze and babes as I drunk myself in them. I love my friends and all though I dislike this day.

Nostalgic memories of the past; haunts me til today.

Signing off "legally" now.


SiMon Har said...

haha! happy belated (?) birthday!

Vince G said...

Booze as in a glass of half-filled near-expiry cut-priced rejected beer, right?