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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Purpose of Life? I need To Know


All these were/are words that pop-up into my mind.
Firstly, apologizing to Vin Tsen
"Dude, I ran out of credit as well."

Back to topic.
Purpose of Life.

Question 1
"Why am I here?"

Choice A
Your parents were the reason you are here.
-True right?

Choice B
To glorify God in which we are made in the image of him where we exist to honour him and follow his way and do things which are pleasant in his eyes.
-True also. But from a Christian's point of view.

Choice C
I don't know. Your There because your there. (La)!
-If your not sure then this should be your answer.

Choice D
Karma; your reincarnated.
-For other religions who believe in this.

Well my answer would be a combination of A,B and C.
But why am I here?
This question isn't solved yet.

I go to a good school; MBS Monkey Boys' School
I mean Mehthodist Boys' School.

I got things like clothes, handphone, accessories, and computer with a laptop.

Yet, I'm not that happy with my life.
Things just don't feel right.

I wanted to go to W.H.C. today.
But my mum stopped me from going out.

Finally told her that I wanted to meet David in Parkson.
She drove me there.



Me-------->Cab ; from Parkson


Pathetic right?
Just want to go out only but I have to resort to this.
If your thinking that I'm pathetic; try being in my shoes?

And we will see who has the last laugh!

I came up with this on my way there.

Disorientated+Emo = Steven

Disorientated+Emo+Bored = Steven Boo

Disorientated+Emo+Bored+Misery = Steven Boo Chuwen

Steven Boo Chuwen = Me

I = Disorientated+Emo+Bored+Misery

Simplify it,
I = Disorientated+Emo+Misery+Bored
Almost spelled D.U.M.B.
except for the 'E' Lol.

Claps x3
Followed by Standing Ovation.
And finally words of relieve,
"That Idiot (ME) realised he's Dumb or in this case Demb.

Continuing back the story.
I went there to see my friends.

I reached there and sat beside her.
We chatted for like 1 hour ++.
It was awspiring. ps; refer 1st post about WHC to find out what's awspiring.

Then, I blundered.
-Blundered is a term where you describe the situation where you made an error in your interpretation or strategy. Commonly used in Chess games.

Ps. I'm not a walking dictionary nor did I memorised a dictionary.
I made her teared her eyes.

At that point, if she were to cry, God knows what I will do.
She teared her eyes and I felt like crying to.
Seeing her so sad brings me back sad memories of the past.

By the way, it turned out better I think so I will end this story here.

Another thing that caught my mind is Regret.
The word Regret is a very powerful word which affects everyone's life.

A feeling of grief over an action,speech or anything;whether the effect is onto self or others.


Regret and emo come's in a pair.
Did you notice that?

Well, I did!!
It was in the past where my mum would scold me and stuff, or even give me the cold shoulder treatment where I would regret my actions or speech.

While regretting, I tend to be emo without realising it.
Conclusion; Emo accompanies regret.

But why am I such an emo person?

According to Psychological analysis.
A person becomes Emo because of biotic factors in his surrounding which includes childhood experiences, life style and values instilled in him.

According to Philosophers' quote,
A person becomes sad when he or she allows himself or herself to be that way.

But what if I am emo because it is me?
That I was borned EMO?

Note the title of my blog.
Misery Follow's Me.

Won't it be cool?
You heard about the Angel of Death?

Well, I am the Angel of Grief.
"Su Goi!!!"


By the way, my problems accumulate because I let them.
I don't want to let go of the past.
I don't want to forget things that occurred in the past.

I have never opened up so frankly with anyone, not even my mother until today.

for letting me lose some of my emo'ness.
By the way, my blog isn't that good.
You should read blogs from
Those blogs there are cool.

But if you do read those blogs there,
Do visit mine to show your support?
Without friends, I am nothing but a trapped canary in a cage.

With all of you, I can spread my wings and fly away into freedom.


Well, that's all for now.
Good luck to those taking SPM trial.
And May God Bless those who had their exams.

And to Evelyn, may God bless you on your Add Maths.
Seriously don't want to see you Emo about that.
Moreover, Emo is my thing and you can't have it.

Live Life With No Regrets.
AngelofGrief ;(


Bethel Rajendram said...

Hey Steven! It was nice seeing you today, hoped you could stay longer...but it's understandable. :) you know what, as you go along this walk of knowing the real God and the way He does things, you'll be amazed on how great and really loving God is.

Blood is thicker than water, you might say. But in God, we're brothers in Him. Explanation to why we show kindness to everybody.

Something to make a statement in your heart: Galatians 3:12-17..(Find the book, find the chapter which is the big numbers on the book, then the verses are the small numbers that are on each line.)

When you set out your heart to do what is right before God, He will surely honor you; God is not blind. He sees our hearts, He knows us more than we ever know ourselves. :)

Iceman said...

buy a book called Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
read the book