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Friday, January 22, 2010

Bad Day


It's the end of the first week of college for me.
I've been so occupied with work that I forgot what I wanted to blog about.

I don't need a new template!
Till I learn how to; since I forgot how to.

A student wanted to change our Physics teacher by sending in a petition form.

Now that brings back memory went we got punished for starting a boycott against a teacher back in secondary school.

It's didn't work and even in later years in MBS, we tried sending several petitions to change several teachers since they kinda suck.

I'm Not mentioning names here so don't quote from me anything.

Simply to say that all our attempts failed pathetically since it's a self-protecting-society-that-bullies-the-weak,stu***s democratic society.

But, not all are like that.I still respect some due to their righteousness and integrity and reject "admire" those with awesome "righteousness and integrity".

I'm still Not mentioning names here, you know who you are.
Don't quote anything from me.

By the way, I kept repeating the phrase above because many of my friends got quoted and were in trouble.

Anyway, resuming back to college MY life, I walked from Tesco to IOI mall which took me about 15 minutes.

Bought a pink shirt and went home straight.
While walking from Kinara; since the bus won't go further, the weather was fine and breezy that made me wanna walk for a while more raining heavily and I got drenched from top to toe.

Lucky, my phone remained dry and my books too.
But, I could have purposely accidentally dropped my files into a puddle and tell Ms. Goh all my homework was gone and requested for more time to complete them or maybe find an excuse to avoid completing them.

By the way, I kinda enjoyed myself in Wisma Harapan where I did Community Service with friends. I'm going to be there next Friday.
Heck, I'm might be going there tomorrow before heading to YMCA.

Still, I will decide on those later.
That's all for now
The Life and Time of An Empty Soul

I feel so empty that I made the Grand Canyon seem full.
Signing Off

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