I would like to apologize for my failure to reply immediately.

again I am terribly sorry for my mistake.
Back to the main agenda.
Vampires are lifeless. Well, literally they are lifeless as they are the undead right?
Besides I am not a vampire fan, take that Team Edward. I am a 100% team Jacob guy. Edward Cullen, urghh... mentioning his name sends chill down my spine. He looked pale and terribly fair, while Jacob is tanned and looked more manlier. I am not advocating people to adore Jacob alright? I am straight, I like girls, it's just that my special someone adores Twillight so when I was asked whom I would rather support Jacob or Edward, well, I chose Jacob, the lesser evil of the two.
Go Team Jacob

Lets compare here, Jacob and Edward. Obviously Jacob wins with a huge land slide victory. Edward looks like a goody boring guy while Jacob totally looked better than Edward. Oh, I am not saying fair guys are bad but Edward if rated on a scale of 1-10 perhaps scored -5 on the scale as he is too fair for a guy.
Vampire suck too because in most movies it is so cliché as vampires fear sun light, or grow weaker at night or feast on blood and the fact that they roam the night. Lifeless people roaming the night sucking blood from people. And previous movies about vampires like 30 Days of Night was fairly alright since vampires are shown to be dumb in movies. Another movie is Van Helsing, where it took a Werewolf to kill the vampire. See, Werewolves totally rock.
Vampires also suck because they are given perks like the ability to fly, hypnotize and super strength or agility or metamorphism ability which is so totally wrong compared to most hero/heroine in the movie who normally have no super abilities but mere will power. Take that all vampire fans, Human so totally owned Vampire's rear.
Many vampire movies in cantonese were made and seriously they are made for laughter purposes. I haven't come across a touching chinese vampire movie so far and don't intend to.
Well, majority of my peers support Team Jacob and that means we all totally agree on one thing for sure, Vampires Suck.
And I definitely would like to attend the movie to get more ideas on how I should continue ranting and hating vampires.
Signing off.
Peace and again, I am sorry.
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