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Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Emo Life in Teenagers

Teenagers these days often try to do the Emo look these days. Many have tried yet not all of them managed to pull the Emo look successfully. Everyone should know that not all can pull of this look as it requires certain criteria to be fulfilled.

Below are several criteria which I believed are essential to pull of an Emo look.

  • Constant monotonous depressed mood. Most of the time, teenagers are able to dress up Emo but they are unable to maintain their Emo mood for the rest of the day. It is crucial because no matter how Emo are clothes are, a smile wipes the Emo look for good. 
  • Dark colored clothing. Clothing is essential too. A good pick would be black naturally since Black refers to death and misery. While the trousers, it don't have to be black; normal Blue jeans would be fine. However, jeans have to have patches to make it look authentic.
    • Emo surrounding. Starters should surround themselves with Emo people to blend it with the Emo surrounding. When you stay in an Emo click, you will tend to blend in if you put the effort to do it. Once you're ready, you can start hanging out with other non Emo clicks to strike out. At this point, you will be labeled as the Emo one in the group; achieving your desired status.
    • Downwards look. Another crucial point is looking down. A good tip is tilting your head downwards and carry on walking silently alone. This is a good way to signify one being Emo hence the isolation from people.
    •  Lethargic. Emo people should keep a lethargic look. An Emo look would be wiped off if one is filled with enthusiasm or spirit. Among ways to look lethargic is hugging your knapsack while sitting or lying on the table with arms folded. 
    Now those are some steps for people who want to look Emo to follow but of course there are Don'ts as well.
    • Seek attention. Emo is a look and a way of life. Do not walk into a group of people who are chatting away. As an Emo person, you should stay in a corner far from people and continue reminiscing about stuff. But answer when a conversation is made, to avoid being rude; even with one word replies is fine.
    • Emo all the time. Our aim is to be Emo but for teenagers, being Emo depends on conditions. Never be Emo in front of Lecturers or Teachers. Reason is simple, Lecturers would pick on you seeing you being lethargic in class. Teenagers should also wipe off the Emo look in front of parents to prevent parents from interrogating them.
    • Stupid stuff. Emo is usually linked with wrist cutting. However, I am promoting a safer way to being Emo. Wrist cutting is to create another source of pain (Physical) to cover the Emotional pain that one is facing but it is suicidal and seriously not to be followed.
    Lastly, there is one more golden rule in being Emo that everyone should know. 
    There is no Actual Guide Lines to be Emo. Hence, this guide is nothing but mere opinions only.

    Why do you want to be Emo in the first place before I end this topic.
    Emo is not fun because it is a double edged sword in life, it hurts yourself and people close to you. 
    Having say this, Please try your best to prevent yourself from being an Emo person.

    Besides, this world ain't big enough for 2 Emo people.
    Signing off~~

    Have an Emo rific day if you're an Emo person like me but if you're not stay clear.


    Hilda Milda™ said...

    you emo? -.-

    cindy said...

    nice observation there... "babe"

    Ronnie said...

    why u choose to be emo ?....
    BREAK FREE from it !

    MsXeRoZ Nicole said...

    WOW...did u study in Degree in EMology? hehe

    haoyi said...

    Wow you're so pro and being emo.

    Janessa said...

    Lol! If I need to pull off the emo look I'll look for you.

    rebecca said...

    Pro Emo kyo~~

    chris federick said...

    i've seen so many lalas trying to be emo =.= epic fail!

    SiMon Har said...

    agree wit MsXeroz! people like cheerful people more than emo people...